16 Mart 2012 Cuma

Hair Cosmetics: All is Well that Ends Well!

Hair Cosmetics: All is Well that Ends Well!

Upturned collars, thick mufflers and turtle neck sweaters can roughen up the ends of the hair. However, the right kind of hair cosmetics quickly mend split ends. Split end fluid contains silicone oil, which coats the hair ends with a very thin film and holds the split ends together. In an instant, the hair ends look healthier and much less shaggy. One or two drops of split end fluid are usually enough to mend all split ends. If you use too much of the silicone oil your hair may start looking drenched and heavy with conditioners. Apply the split end fluid by rubbing one or two drops between the tips of your fingers. Then use your fingers to work the split end fluid only into the towel-dry hair ends. If needed work another drop of split end fluid into the ends of your hair after blow-drying.

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