16 Mart 2012 Cuma

Power for Wimpy Hair

How to Power for Wimpy Hair

Cold wind, dry indoor air and heavy hoods can leave hair in a pitiful state. Lifeless and without natural bounce it is the very image of distress. It is not easy to whip winter hair into shape unless you use some rich care cosmetics to infuse your hair with new life. Conditioners, hair treatments, s and intensive conditioning masks turn your hair from limp and shapeless to beautiful and bouncy. If your winter hair needs intensive care conditioners with valuable lipids like Argan, Macadamia, apricot kernel and Jojoba oil are the right prescription. In the cold season, hair needs such a mixture of fat and moisture at least once a week. Remember to apply the nourishing hair cosmetics only where they are needed. Otherwise, you hair could start to look a bit bedraggled especially near the roots.

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